VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1, 2020
SPECIAL ISSUE: Where Conversation Analysis meets Language Assessment
GUEST EDITORS: Soo Jung Youn & Alfred Rue Burch
Front matter
Introduction by Guest Editors Soo Jung Youn & Alfred Rue Burch
VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2, 2020
Front matter
Book reviews
SPECIAL ISSUE: Where Conversation Analysis meets Language Assessment
GUEST EDITORS: Soo Jung Youn & Alfred Rue Burch
Front matter
Introduction by Guest Editors Soo Jung Youn & Alfred Rue Burch
- Testing interactional competence: Patterned yet dynamic aspects of L2 interaction
Thorsten Huth, The University of Tennessee - Assessing Interactional Competence: The role of intersubjectivity in a paired-speaking assessment task
Alfred Rue Burch, Kobe University & Katharina Kley, Rice University - Resolving interactional troubles and maintaining progressivity in paired speaking assessment in an EFL context
Merve Hırçın Çoban, Middle East Technical University & Olcay Sert, Mälardalen University - Pragmatic variables in role-play design for the context validity of assessing interactional competence
Soo Jung Youn, Daegu National University of Education - How do raters understand rubrics for assessing L2 interactional engagement? A comparative study of CA- and non-CA-formulated performance descriptors
Erica Sandlund, Karlstad University & Tim Greer, Kobe University
- The Discourse of the IELTS Speaking Test: Interactional design and practice
Reviewed by Shi Chen, Northern Arizona University
VOLUME 9, ISSUE 2, 2020
Front matter
- A preliminary look at the impact of spell checker use during an L2 English writing assessment
Ikkyu Choi & Yeonsuk Cho, Educational Testing Service - Contextualised judgements: A comparison of the rating criteria used to judge oral presentations in higher education and speaking performances in the TOEFL iBT™
Ana Maria Ducasse, RMIT University & Annie Brown, ACER
Book reviews
- Learning Oriented Assessment: A Systemic Approach (Vol. 45)
Reviewed by Ruijin Yang, Queensland University of Technology - Language Assessment for Classroom Teachers
Reviewed by Lan Luo, Zhejiang University