UECA English Language Assessment Symposium
Brisbane, 14 July 2018
University English Centres of Australia (UECA) in conjunction with The Association for Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand (ALTAANZ) and The University of Queensland's English Language Centre (UQ-ICTE) present the inaugural UECA Assessment Symposium 2018.
This full day of professional development focusses on sharing and learning about the development of valid and reliable English language assessment within the context of University Language Centres.
The day will feature an ALTAANZ sponsored workshop delivered by Clare McDowell, whose involvement in language testing spans a 35 year career. Clare brings a wealth of experience in language testing, test design, examiner training and hands-on test management. She has been an item writer for a number of standardised English language tests and has a particular interest in the area of listening skills and how best to assess them. We are sure this workshop will be particularly relevant and useful for all teachers involved in the development of listening assessment and assessment in general.
For further information and registration please click here.
This full day of professional development focusses on sharing and learning about the development of valid and reliable English language assessment within the context of University Language Centres.
The day will feature an ALTAANZ sponsored workshop delivered by Clare McDowell, whose involvement in language testing spans a 35 year career. Clare brings a wealth of experience in language testing, test design, examiner training and hands-on test management. She has been an item writer for a number of standardised English language tests and has a particular interest in the area of listening skills and how best to assess them. We are sure this workshop will be particularly relevant and useful for all teachers involved in the development of listening assessment and assessment in general.
For further information and registration please click here.